Sunday, October 11, 2020

Week 41 of 52 in 2020

Jackson:  He's really embraced virtual school with lacrosse and having fun with friends at recess to get his socialization in.  He often struggles with being by himself upstairs working and on this day despite looking so grown up, he just wants to be close by.

Jackson and Connor:  Yet another day and another group of boys that I'm walking across Stevenson Lane.

The boys have been checking in on their buddy, Chase, on their walk home from their soccer practice.  His team starts a little later than the boys.  We are often rushing back since I'm often preheating the oven for nachos and it's getting dark so they don't get as much time to hang out.  They were looking forward to their matchup with InterMilan and it finally happened on Saturday. After the game, Chase invited the boys over and they were able to hang out for most of the afternoon. So thankful that the parents in our area have agreed to participate and respect all the safety precautions that TRC has requested so they can have a safe soccer season.

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