Friday, July 30, 2010

Jackson and Connor : 7 Months

A joyous and jubilant July of 2010 full of jolly and jammed with jumping fun..

Eating updates:

It was time to move on to more exciting things with the boys in terms of food. They have gotten so much better with the rice cereal and will tolerate oatmeal but it is definitely not preferred. They started with sweet potato puffs and the whole family went to the farmers market and Wegmans for sweet potatoes and carrots. We are moving along with the foods as I learn to make them. The steamer that we received as a wedding gift and was collecting dust is getting a lot of work. I started the process of switching Jackson back to the same formula that Connor and he were on at birth before he started having issues. It seems to be working well but I haven't tossed his soy based lacto free formula yet.

Sleeping updates:

I have been reluctant to write about this "sleeping through the night" thing but both boys have been doing it for awhile. It started several months ago and we have gotten to the point of not even turning on the monitor. We have come a long way from Michael and I splitting shifts and me having to set the alarm on my phone to make sure that I woke up to feed them every 3 hours. The every 3 hour thing turned to every 4 and after the first couple of months, Michael was willing to actually be on the same level as the boys. Oh my, we have definitely survived and enjoy getting questioned on how we look well-rested. Jackson will still wake for 1 feed and Connor's feed by the end of this month moved to around 7:30 (thanks Connor as he is my feeding pal and Jackson gets Michael).

General updates:

The boys had their 6 month check-up, a full week with mommy and partial week with Daddy around the 4th. They traveled to Carroll County and met Michael's Aunt Laura and Uncle Paul, went to the sustainable farmer's market at Boordy and the one under 83. Uncle Joe and Aunt Missy came over along with Sophia and Michael for a coookout and we celebrated the 4th with the Campbells. The boys moved into Size 2-3 diapers and are almost out of their 6 month clothes (well Connor - Jackson's frame is so petite compared to the little bigger brother).

In one long weekend....

I was able to accomplish a trip to Wegmans with both boys on my own
We had a visit form our Florida friends, Jason and Andrea
Michael and I went to the DMB concert
We all attended Will's 1st Birthday party
And, Christine was here on a Saturday for our 1st of 3 weddings this summer

Besides sitting up, Jackson has started to crawl with a push up and lunge forward motion. He can maneuver rather quick. In the span of a couple days, he figured out how to start crawling from a seated position and appears to be working on getting back up to a seated position but there is generally a foot stuck.

Connor is working on sitting and has reduced the number of times that he has fallen backwards. It is very defeating for Connor and we hear some of his loudest cries. He is still working on it and is getting better daily.

Meanwhile, I almost published this post without mentioning anything about the new addition to our play area -- the Jumperoo!!! It is so much fun to watch both boys and yes, Connor too, jump around. Whether it be the one that we thought would have been reluctant (Connor) immediately falling in love or Jackson and his one foot curled approach and his jumping with such gust in a couple of weeks that we are afraid it is going to break, this toy is a hit!!!

Looking forward to an "amazing" August...

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