Tuesday, July 6, 2010

the big Pool

We took the boys to Gina and Tony's house so that they could try out their above-ground pool. The pool plan has been to start off small and work the boys up so that they are totally ready for a week in Rehoboth for Labor Day.

Connor knew that something was up before we even left the house. He wouldn't take a nap, which didn't work well especially since we had David's graduation party that night. Anybody at the party can attest to another display of Connor's poor party behavior. WE are working on this and are happy to report that he was at his all time best since a newborn at the most recent party.

Connor was not really all that excited about the float until Michael decided to lay him on his back and help him around the pool. His eyes are closed and his hands are interlaced and sitting on top of his belly. This reminds me of his getting used to the bath tub phase where he looked exactly the same. It is a work in progress and we still have a couple of months to figure things out. He has started to smile and kick in the bathtub so hopefully this will carry over to the pool.

Jackson, on the other hand, started kicking after he adjusted to the water temperature and seemed like a natural. We do have to convince him that the pool water is not such a good thing to drink but he is only 5 1/2 months old.

He was so proud of himself and his efforts in the pool.

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