Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thank you HBO

To state that Jackson is slightly obsessed with HBO's Twas the Night Before Christmas would be an understatement. It is our go-to when trying to calm him down for a diaper change or bottle. The portions of the show that he likes the best are the children speaking. It ranges from discussions on holiday celebrations, the words to Silent Night and of course, Santa Claus. I am so happy that I found it. We watched it three times today and I may need to cut him off at New Years but the excitement in their eyes when the children speak may change that decision.

This is in addition to the Classical Baby series that HBO often runs on their family channel. They have dance, art, music and poetry shows along with a compilation. The boys have no real interest in the poetry but the monkeys playing music while the babies are dancing to the mambo is a favorite of the boys and ours.

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