Sunday, June 17, 2012

celebrating Father's Day at the zoo

We always start with the polar bears and arctic fox as we almost always take the walking path in lieu of the tram to get the extra exercise.  Often times, we will circle back to the polar bears in hopes that we get a glimpse of them swimming.

On the way into the farm, I convinced Connor to sit on the turtle. It was the first time he ever noticed it on the way into the farm.

Jackson is sometimes very hard to "find" at the zoo.  He if often just running around like these photos. Petting the goats lasts a couple of minutes at best and both boys think it is appropriate to drop the
brushes into the goat's water.  Yes, both. And, that is not very well received by the keepers of the goats.  Besides the brush dumping into the water, they have recently discovered the gravel type substance and think running on it and and throwing it is great.  So, without another person joining us to monitor this, I will be making up excuses to avoid the entire area.
Despite all the running, Jackson is very willing to stop and wash his hands as he exits the Farm. After he washed, his hands, he was happy to try to saddle -- yet another first.

 The animals were all very active, including the cheetah, who was very agitated at the keepers that were trimming up some overgrown plants.  It was WILD since they are ALWAYS laying down.  The Okapi has become the boys' favorite animal since the zebras have been in hiding.

Love this picture of Connor ignoring the chimp in front of him to look at pictures of a chimp in a book.

It was an enjoyable day with moderate temperatures and quality dada/twins time that I was lucky enough to capture on the camera.

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