Monday, June 11, 2012

Port Discovery and Potato Head Exhibit

The boys and I ventured out to Port Discovery with Jacob and Caleb and their mom for some fun.  We had never been so I was excited especially for the Potato Head exhibit as the boys are very interested in Toy Story.
Upon entering, the boys were immediately enticed by these cows and this ball lever machine (well Jackson and Jacob were).  Connor was willing to maneuver on with my sister.

After prying Jackson away from the ball lever machine, he found this choo choo. I would have to say that this was a HUGE  hit with him. Obviously, the ability to negotiate the button to make the choo choo noise was a bigger hit.

We eventually caught up with everyone else in the Toddler Room.  It felt like I hadn't seen Connor in an hour (thanks Aunt Gina).

After the sand and fun, we moved on to the Art Room

Then, up to the Potato Head exhibit.

Connor in the safari hat = perfection.  This portion of the exhibit was absolutely amazing as there were so many choices.  Although our little contemplator was slightly struggling with the idea of keeping the potato head in order, he still had fun.

Going for a slide and driving the adventure vehicle.

Our last stop was the water table.  It was absolutely hysterical as Jackson went full force after getting on the gear into several older kids that were using water hoses to make the bells chime. He was D-R-E-N-C-H-E-D within minutes of getting in the room and kept going back for more. We had to talk him out of going back again and suggested that he maneuver over to other areas.  Connor was a little more strategic and the best part for me may have been the little hook-on chairs that Caleb was sitting in.

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