Saturday, June 30, 2012

The storm that started our camping trip

It was a random Friday night and I hadn't checked the weather and the only plans we had were taking the boys to My Gym on Saturday to check it out.  Michael and I started watching a movie and slightly before 11, we lost power.  All either of us knew was that it was supposed to rain.  I went to bed after the 4th attempt of the power to return and it didn't. There was a lot of wind, rain and some lightening but I had seen worse storms and we hadn't lost power so my immediate thought was maybe we would get power back at some point on Saturday because it did go on and off several times.

After the boys woke up, I went out to survey the damage and realized how bad it was.  These pics are of the tree that is in our back yard, which was nothing compared to the house several doors down.

 This pine tree crashed through 2 end unit's fences.

As we left to go to My Gym, which we ended up missing because we forgot socks, it was clear that we were going to be without power for more than a couple of hours as we had to get re-routed through our neighborhood due to downed trees. 

There was a maple tree at the start of our street that we walk by almost EVERY time that we take a walk that had snapped in half and was leaning on the wires and actually took a pole down onto Stevenson Lane.  You could get through but that was just the beginning. 

You couldn't get to Stevenson Lane from Charles Street on Bellona due to several trees lying in the road and the street signals were all down. 

This random store had down some SERIOUS SERIOUS damage to the Forge.

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