Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cows take over the Forge

We were so happy that the rain slowed down and there were no more reminders of Hurricane Sandy.  The soggy ground had even dried during the day despite no real sun.  But, we'll take it especially since we were initially concerned that Halloween was going to be a rain out.

Before putting on the costumes for trick or treating, the boys got the opportunity to give out some treats to our first visitor, a ninja.  They were watching the door intently to see if anybody would come for treats.  Lots of jumping up and down ensued when he was spotted.

They were very curious about what was going to happen.  Last year, the boys went to only a couple houses and it was just to show off their costumes as we did not accept treats so this was obviously going to be a much different experience.

The boys all ready to go and take over the Forge in their final wear of their cow costumes.  

Our cows are on foot and are ready for treats.

 Connor was adamant about wearing the hat since it was part of the costume. He's really in to details.

Our first house was our neighbors.  The Goetz's let the boys in and they were inspecting all of their figurines and chasing Sneaks, their cat.

Connor told everyone that he came in contact with -- "Happy Halloweeeeen!!"

Getting treats and being sure to say "Please" and "Thank you."  They were so polite and courteous. Definitely proud mom and dad moments.

Yeah for pretzel treats.

 Surveying the scene.

We picked up an incredibly happy Mary Elizabeth on the way.   She was definitely ready for the treats!!!

Walking home.

N2 Halloween Party

We were invited to join the boys at school for their Halloween party.  Cow costume was definitely getting a workout. And, the boys managed to keep their costume on the entire time that they were at school.

Whenever we ask the boys what they do at school, their answer every.single.time is played with horses. I'm certain that they are doing more than playing with horses but that is ALL they want to talk about. 

The N2s in their costumes.

                               (Izzy, a yawning Warren, Gilian, Sydney and the ghostbuster, Ellie)

                                              (Kaya, Owen Julianna and our Connor)

 After the group photo, Connor was off to another of his loves --- books.

And, my favorite would be Jackson checking out Allie's chicken costume.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Pajamas

Adorable boys in adorable pajamas!

Connor is very willing to pose for pictures.

We get Jackson with the tongue sticking out and Connor with eyes closed. We'll take it!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Practicing their ABCs and germs be gone

We have been very lucky that the boys have always been interested in washing their hands.  This probably started after playing in the farm area of the zoo and they have instructions to sing your ABCs.  So, besides good practice for their letters, it also takes care of germs.

Jackson is up first.

Getting those hands clean.

Connor is up next.

And, once, you are done washing your hands, the next obvious step is to brush your teeth with your mom and dad's toothbrush.

Definitely need to hide the step stool since I foresee the sink overflowing!!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

My Gym Halloween party

The boys have been having a lot of fun at My Gym during classes and open play.  After seeing the paperwork for a Halloween party, we asked the boys and they confirmed that they definitely wanted to attend.

Walking in and checking out the decorations.

Circle time. We were so proud of them for actually sitting. This has definitely been a work in progress and with the number of people, we were kind of concerned BUT they sat.  It's getting better!!

The climbing possibilities are endless....

just hanging around.  They both LOVE to hand on. Their strength is amazing!!!

Checking out what's going on and a little train ride together.

And, they finished up with the obstacle course. It was a lot of fun and we were really happy that we decided to go.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Move over Okapi -- there are sea turtles at the zoo!

The boys have spent the majority of the summer being incredibly excited about the okapi and that they (yes, there are 2) live in the giraffe house.  We typically avoid the monkey house due to the warmer than outside temperatures and I didn't realize that we were missing anything.....but, I stand to be corrected and I'm sure that this won't be the first time. 

There were a ton of turtles swimming and the boys were so happy to see them.

We spent a good bit of time counting them and watching them maneuver around.  There were sooo many of them.

It may be time to take them to the aquarium.