Saturday, May 25, 2013

I want to eat the zero

Some may call them donuts, but Jackson and Connor decided that they were zeros and it was kind of hard to argue with them. 

The Zero was in response to a request for a cupcake.  We suggested a donut as an alternative knowing that there was a slim chance that they would actually eat it and Dunkin Donuts was much closer than the cupcake place.

Despite what appears to be taking a bite, neither boy did much more than eat the icing.  I think that they were aiming to get the sprinkles...

My parents were BIG into the donut scene as my father went to the bakery every Sunday morning to get pastries and donuts for the family. They would freeze the extras in individual bags to bring out later in the week.  I guess it was just there way of making sure to have something sweet readily available at any time without a run to the bakery.  I had hoped that the boys would actually enjoy them so that we could make it a tradition but that's just not happening... at least not right now.

I remember asking for the not greasy donuts from Woodlea Bakery at a very young age so next time we will have to get over to Woodlea and try. Maybe they are just donut snobs already :)  We won't be there at the time of open like my dad but we will get there!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thank you Mrs. G and Mrs. Howe

For the past 9 months, on almost every Monday and Wednesday, the boys spent 2 1/2 hours with Mrs. G. and Mrs. Howe along with their friends.  They LOVE their teachers and their friends.  Connor has confirmed his love for his best pals, Kaya and Allie.  Jackson mentions Julianna often.  Most importantly, they have spent time with horses.

If you ask them what they did,  they almost always respond with play with the horses. They learned songs such as "friends, friends" and "stir it" and learned that O is for Owen and K is for Kaya.  And, so, we thank Mrs. G and Mrs. Howe for taking care of our twins and letting them be themselves. They now use the words "hun," "honey" and "love bugs" and Connor is very consistent in the phrase "I know you like ** but...."

A comparison from their first visit to school and their last day.  They look older and are a bit taller. Everybody says that it goes by so fast and it really really does.  I remember taking their picture when we went to visit the school prior to leaving for vacation as if it was yesterday. Obviously, 9 months has past but how....

 With Mrs. G.

And with Mrs. Howe.

Ice cream picnic at Uncle Wiggly with school

For the last week of school, the topic was ice cream and the boys came home with handmade strawberry ice creams in anticipation of a field trip to Uncle Wiggly's with their friends for their last day.

Mrs. Howe had told Michael that the best part was watching them on the walk over.

Jackson is so shy/nervous when approaching a large group of people.  He is in the very back hiding behind Mrs. Carol and knuckle biting.  He is so adventurous about most things but it is amazing to watch him in crowds.

Ellie and Sydney.

Connor looks so grown up here (insert sad face).

Mrs. G. leading in Izzie, Warren and Gilian.

Jackson and Izzie.

Connor and Allie enjoying their water and ice cream.

 Mia digging in.

Ellie and Gilan.

Kaya and Sidney.


And, Warren, who appears to have more curls than Connor.

Jackson wasn't really interested in the ice cream but he did drink his water.  There is a fishing pond that created this HUGE smile on his face.  Who needs ice cream when you can check out the fish.

 What a fun year N2s.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Toddler Made Tasty Treats: Beach cupcakes

As the summer was drawing near, school discussed the beach and the boys had made hand print crabs on Monday.  They were absolutely adorable.  The beach cupcakes were awesome and I was immediately able to confirm that the beach was made of graham crackers, YUM!!!

 The pink plates just added to the fun and the umbrellas were a definite hit at our house.

Inspecting the umbrella...

Surveying his options on how to get to the cupcake although it is highly unlikely that he is going to actually take a bite. He will eat/try almost anything else and he really LOVES to eat anything that he makes but desserts are never ever on his radar. 

Pretending to take a bite.

Digging in...

And, when he was done eating (and, yes, he did eat some), the umbrella was the fun.  Only one more week of school for the boys and with a field trip -- this was our last treat. Always a good cupcake for mom and dad.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Pictures with 2 very active toddlers are incredibly hard to come by. So, I am very happy that Michael was able to get this one.  We went to Wegmans and the highlight of my day besides my homemade dinner was the return of the boys' Red White and Blue bread.  They were SO happy to see that they had it and they finished almost 1/2 of it before we left.  It is the little things like the return of a seasonal bread that help remind you how important the job of being a mother is.  I didn't really care about gifts or getting some quiet time -- my greatest gift is to see them that happy. 

The boys made birdhouses for me at school as my special surprise.  The birdhouses are shaped differently and they tell so much about my boys. 

My first born is a mover and generally unable to sit for extended periods of time unless he is watching something.  His birdhouse had maybe three paint brush strokes on it.  Jackson gets his inability to sit down from me and even though it would have been beautiful if it was completely painted, but, that's not his style and it makes it even more special.

Connor's was completely covered with paint.  He was so proud of it and his hard work of painting really showed as he is relentless when he is trying to finish something.  They were instructed at school to not tell us and despite a sneak of the colors used (orange and purple); neither cracked. Connor was so proud of it and that he wanted it be a surprise.  

(selfie with silly faces (our specialty))

Looking forward to many many more Mother's Day celebrations.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Big Truck Day fail

We were invited to the Big Truck Day by one of Michael's co-workers and I had high hopes for the fun.  It was humid and there was a chance of showers the entire day long. Connor was in the middle of potty training and was nice enough to shower me instead of the potty.  This should have said -- don't go but we thought they were going to have so much fun....

 Connor was super exited about getting in the trucks and vehicles.

Checking out the sprayers in the water.

Jackson tried the firetruck and that was about all he was interested in.

Connor in the big dump truck.  Checking out the horn and the wheel.

Checking out the bucket trucks.

And, we were off.

Maybe next time it will be more fun.....

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pinata time at our Fiesta

The forecast was for a beautiful day and we invited the Campbells over for a Fiesta to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

The Campbells brought a donkey pinata with them.  The boys were SUPER excited when they saw it and eager to see what it contained.

Sheer giddiness from Mary Elizabeth!! Fairly certain she was was jumping up and down as I took the picture.

After the almost 20 minute wait for Michael and Mary to get the pinata up --- it was time for the kids to give it a go.  They were so funny takings swings or taps at the donkey.  It went on for a serious amount of time with no real hits.

And, when you can't get the donkey to open up and give you the treats -- why not take it for a ride?!?

 Enjoying the raisins and M&Ms.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Toddler Made Tast Treats: Butterfly cupcake

It was butterfly week at school as the discussions of spring started.  They brought home a paper plate constructed pink butterfly with sequins. Connor very happily pointed out the black ones.  He is obsessed with the color and has told us that it is his favorite. 

I had really big hopes about this treat since it had pretzels and other candy like skittles and licorice.  Both boys have been offered skittles and there was licorice on the kite tail and neither one of them obliged. 

Connor's first bite looked promising.  He ended up by eating the pretzel after the icing was taken off. It seems as though he is very much so against icing and candy.  Flat out refusal for the licorice and skittles.  

Jackson indulged and enjoyed himself.  He loved the licorice and skittles. Yeah!