Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Pictures with 2 very active toddlers are incredibly hard to come by. So, I am very happy that Michael was able to get this one.  We went to Wegmans and the highlight of my day besides my homemade dinner was the return of the boys' Red White and Blue bread.  They were SO happy to see that they had it and they finished almost 1/2 of it before we left.  It is the little things like the return of a seasonal bread that help remind you how important the job of being a mother is.  I didn't really care about gifts or getting some quiet time -- my greatest gift is to see them that happy. 

The boys made birdhouses for me at school as my special surprise.  The birdhouses are shaped differently and they tell so much about my boys. 

My first born is a mover and generally unable to sit for extended periods of time unless he is watching something.  His birdhouse had maybe three paint brush strokes on it.  Jackson gets his inability to sit down from me and even though it would have been beautiful if it was completely painted, but, that's not his style and it makes it even more special.

Connor's was completely covered with paint.  He was so proud of it and his hard work of painting really showed as he is relentless when he is trying to finish something.  They were instructed at school to not tell us and despite a sneak of the colors used (orange and purple); neither cracked. Connor was so proud of it and that he wanted it be a surprise.  

(selfie with silly faces (our specialty))

Looking forward to many many more Mother's Day celebrations.

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