Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Toddler Made Tasty Treats: Beach cupcakes

As the summer was drawing near, school discussed the beach and the boys had made hand print crabs on Monday.  They were absolutely adorable.  The beach cupcakes were awesome and I was immediately able to confirm that the beach was made of graham crackers, YUM!!!

 The pink plates just added to the fun and the umbrellas were a definite hit at our house.

Inspecting the umbrella...

Surveying his options on how to get to the cupcake although it is highly unlikely that he is going to actually take a bite. He will eat/try almost anything else and he really LOVES to eat anything that he makes but desserts are never ever on his radar. 

Pretending to take a bite.

Digging in...

And, when he was done eating (and, yes, he did eat some), the umbrella was the fun.  Only one more week of school for the boys and with a field trip -- this was our last treat. Always a good cupcake for mom and dad.  

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