Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ice cream picnic at Uncle Wiggly with school

For the last week of school, the topic was ice cream and the boys came home with handmade strawberry ice creams in anticipation of a field trip to Uncle Wiggly's with their friends for their last day.

Mrs. Howe had told Michael that the best part was watching them on the walk over.

Jackson is so shy/nervous when approaching a large group of people.  He is in the very back hiding behind Mrs. Carol and knuckle biting.  He is so adventurous about most things but it is amazing to watch him in crowds.

Ellie and Sydney.

Connor looks so grown up here (insert sad face).

Mrs. G. leading in Izzie, Warren and Gilian.

Jackson and Izzie.

Connor and Allie enjoying their water and ice cream.

 Mia digging in.

Ellie and Gilan.

Kaya and Sidney.


And, Warren, who appears to have more curls than Connor.

Jackson wasn't really interested in the ice cream but he did drink his water.  There is a fishing pond that created this HUGE smile on his face.  Who needs ice cream when you can check out the fish.

 What a fun year N2s.

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