Saturday, May 25, 2013

I want to eat the zero

Some may call them donuts, but Jackson and Connor decided that they were zeros and it was kind of hard to argue with them. 

The Zero was in response to a request for a cupcake.  We suggested a donut as an alternative knowing that there was a slim chance that they would actually eat it and Dunkin Donuts was much closer than the cupcake place.

Despite what appears to be taking a bite, neither boy did much more than eat the icing.  I think that they were aiming to get the sprinkles...

My parents were BIG into the donut scene as my father went to the bakery every Sunday morning to get pastries and donuts for the family. They would freeze the extras in individual bags to bring out later in the week.  I guess it was just there way of making sure to have something sweet readily available at any time without a run to the bakery.  I had hoped that the boys would actually enjoy them so that we could make it a tradition but that's just not happening... at least not right now.

I remember asking for the not greasy donuts from Woodlea Bakery at a very young age so next time we will have to get over to Woodlea and try. Maybe they are just donut snobs already :)  We won't be there at the time of open like my dad but we will get there!!

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