Thursday, January 28, 2010

It may be time to retire the NB clothing

So, Connor has definitely stepped it up in the eating department and we are not saying that this isn't a great fashion statement but buttons and bare belly may not be the best.  We will probably be moving on to the 3 month clothing as Connor seems to have just squeezed himself into this outfit.

Monday, January 25, 2010

When it's 60 degrees in January -- you stroll

Since it was almost 60 degrees, I decided to take the boys out for their first stroll around the neighborhood. They were doing so well that we were out for about an hour despite their being snow on the ground.

They both seemed to enjoy it except that Connor wasn't too happy with the bumpy sidewalks. I think that he would like to ask his neighbors to get them fixed but we don't want to create too much of a stir since it was their first time out!!!

After we got into the house, I took a couple of pictures of Jackson in his Squeeze Please outfit. I remember purchasing this outfit for the boys early on in my pregnancy. I didn't buy very much knowing that we had very generous family and friends but had a feeling that since we weren't finding out the gender, we wouldn't get very many clothes and I was right.  Gender neutral and animals will always be a good buy and yes, all the cuddles please.

3 week stats

Jackson and Connor had their 2nd visit to the pediatrician on Monday, January 18th.

Everybody that had seen them was starting to notice how much bigger that they were getting and it was time to weigh in....

Jackson was 7lbs 12 ounces and Connor was 8lbs 0.5 ounces

The pediatrician was thrilled with how much they gained. He recommended that the feedings could be increased to every 4 hours. We know that an hour is not a lot but it definitely means more sleep time for mommmy and daddy!!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Overnight visit with Aunt Gina and Uncle Tony

The boys had their first overnight visit on Friday, January 22nd.  Aunt Gina and Uncle Tony offered and it couldn't have been timed any better. Michael had either food poisoning or the stomach flu that is going around and was out of commission from Thursday evening until Saturday morning. I was so worried about him and the boys that I didn't get any sleep.   Next time, we will make it out to dinner but a good night's sleep was all we could ask for.

We were super happy to see our little people.

And, we got the report that the boys were well behaved and Uncle Tony has a nickname for Connor. He is calling him "toast" because he basically slept the entire time that they were visiting.

Connor decided it was going to be a little different when he got home and was awake for almost 2 hours after the next couple of feedings. We were happy to see him but are still wondering what was going on at Aunt Gina and Uncle Tony's house???

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Tub Bath

Both Jackson and Connor lost their umbilical cords so it was time for their first real baths.  It doesn't look that way but Connor actually did calm down and seemed to be enjoying himself (even it it was only for a couple seconds). 

Jackson, on the other hand, didn't cry as much as I expected. Hopefully, the boys will start to enjoy bath time and the tears will disappear....

Edited by mom to note: Their first tub bath was given to them by the doula that their mom's office had hired to help.  I was in the bathroom and helped but not as much as I wanted to.  The idea of bending down was a no go.  If I wasn't completely ignoring the instructions to not over do it and and was actually resting and not walking/running up and down the steps -- yes.  But, a c-section is major surgery that requires recovery time especially after all of the blood that I lost and the required transfusions.  Next time for sure!

Good Luck Charms for the Ravens

I know that it was only their 2nd game but Jackson and Connor were definitely happy to see another Ravens victory. We think that they are the Ravens' good luck charms!!! They are not so sure about our corners being able to handle Peyton Manning's arm but we are all hoping for the best.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Getting the babies to sleep

When you are pregnant, your friends offer a lot of advice and you think that you are NEVER ever going to do *** regardless of what *** is and when it comes down to only running on adrenaline and needing sleep, you do WHATEVER you need.

And, if that happens to be letting your child sleep  in his or her carseat or bouncy seat on the regular, you don't rock the boat and let it be.  Someday, they will sleep in their crib. It doesn't have to be now.

He apparently was hot and since he looked adorable and the camera was handy.  Of course, there are pictures.....

Our sweet Connor.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First Pediatrician Visit

The boys had their 1st visit with their pediatrician, Dr. Sibila, today.

It was our first outing and mommy and daddy were not as prepared as they needed to be. We forgot the diaper bag and were lucky enough to be only 10 minutes late but the morning was quite chaotic.  Connor peed all over his outfit and everything else that was stored in the pack n play and Jackson's mid-morning feeding didn't exactly agree with him. So, we had a load of laundry before we even walked out the door.  We also managed to find a second sock for Jackson.

The doctor said everything was going well but that he wanted the boys eating every 3 hours, which we anticipate to be an interesting adventure... especially since they had previously decided (together) that 3 a.m. was their designated hour to need to eat at the same time.

We will need to figure this out and it is better than the eat, change diaper and repeat for the 2nd baby in an hour and get no sleep.  It is a fact that we will be ignoring the Don't Wake Up a Sleeping Baby to fatten the little people up and encourage them to sleep through the night.  All that baby gear that we had to have will be getting some use.

The boys were weighed in as follows:

Jackson - 6 lbs 6.5 ounces
Connor - 7 lbs 2.5 ounces

Monday, January 4, 2010

FINALLY meeting family

Due to the potential exposure of the West Nile virus, G.B.M.C. restricted the number of visitors and those people had to be on a previously provided list.

So, the only person that we listed was Aunt Gina. 

We were discharged around noon, and Joe and Missy and Sophia and Michael were at our house by early afternoon with a full spread for lunch, including wraps, salads and soups. Yum. Thank you.  Missy relayed that Joe woke up and told her that it was TIME to meet his new nephews.

Twins taking care of cousin twins. 

Aunt Missy and Uncle Joe giving the boys some loving. 

Aunt Missy with Connor (blue hat)

Uncle Joe with Jackson (his mini-me and ALL Delvecchio)

On Sunday, Gina and Tony came over with chicken parm and Andrew and Kim joined us to see the boys. Everybody was anxiously waiting their chance to hold them.

Andrew holding Jackson and Kim cuddling with Connor

Andrew and Kim gifted the boys with their first boys' outfits, which they modeled after the visit.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What time is it --- Game Time. Jackson and Connor's first Ravens game

It was finally time for the boys to find out what the Ravens were all about. The boys were hopeful for a victory for their first game and were pleased when Willis McGahee gave the stiff arm and scored his 2nd touchdown. They heard that Ray said that we just had to get into the dance and we are. We'll see what happens in the playoffs!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

All dressed up and ready to go HOME!!

Since I had a caesarean, we knew that we would be in the hospital for four days and despite my pleads and tears shed, the doctors and nurses confirmed that it was time to go home.  I was very very concerned about our ability to take care of the boys.  We were physically and emotionally exhausted.

The blood transfusion the day after the boys were born really wore me down and I was struggling to walk and maneuver and so uncomfortable.   To help us get our rest, we had the boys stay in the nursery and although the sleep was necessary for us -- it really is scary when they tell you that you have to go home without help to take care of them.  Let's be clear, we knew that by getting pregnant we were going to have to take care of them but nothing and I mean nothing can prepare you for the day when it is solely your turn to take care of not one but two small bundles of joy.

There was lots of discussion about having a support team available and I thought about it and knew that we had people available to help and that we are going to have to ask for help.  Michael's office organized a pot luck so that we will have food during my maternity leave so that was a plus.  My office gifted me a doula.  This was all fantastic BUT the one thing that was missing was my mother.  I realize that if my mother was still alive, she wouldn't have been able to help due to her Alzheimer's, but there is nothing like a first time mom being able to talk to her own mother about questions and concerns.

Regardless of what support system that we have or don't have, what we do have is each other.  And, if they would have allowed it -- I may have stayed in the hospital until they were walking.....

Well, here they are, ready to come home to our home.