Friday, January 1, 2010

All dressed up and ready to go HOME!!

Since I had a caesarean, we knew that we would be in the hospital for four days and despite my pleads and tears shed, the doctors and nurses confirmed that it was time to go home.  I was very very concerned about our ability to take care of the boys.  We were physically and emotionally exhausted.

The blood transfusion the day after the boys were born really wore me down and I was struggling to walk and maneuver and so uncomfortable.   To help us get our rest, we had the boys stay in the nursery and although the sleep was necessary for us -- it really is scary when they tell you that you have to go home without help to take care of them.  Let's be clear, we knew that by getting pregnant we were going to have to take care of them but nothing and I mean nothing can prepare you for the day when it is solely your turn to take care of not one but two small bundles of joy.

There was lots of discussion about having a support team available and I thought about it and knew that we had people available to help and that we are going to have to ask for help.  Michael's office organized a pot luck so that we will have food during my maternity leave so that was a plus.  My office gifted me a doula.  This was all fantastic BUT the one thing that was missing was my mother.  I realize that if my mother was still alive, she wouldn't have been able to help due to her Alzheimer's, but there is nothing like a first time mom being able to talk to her own mother about questions and concerns.

Regardless of what support system that we have or don't have, what we do have is each other.  And, if they would have allowed it -- I may have stayed in the hospital until they were walking.....

Well, here they are, ready to come home to our home.

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