Saturday, January 23, 2010

Overnight visit with Aunt Gina and Uncle Tony

The boys had their first overnight visit on Friday, January 22nd.  Aunt Gina and Uncle Tony offered and it couldn't have been timed any better. Michael had either food poisoning or the stomach flu that is going around and was out of commission from Thursday evening until Saturday morning. I was so worried about him and the boys that I didn't get any sleep.   Next time, we will make it out to dinner but a good night's sleep was all we could ask for.

We were super happy to see our little people.

And, we got the report that the boys were well behaved and Uncle Tony has a nickname for Connor. He is calling him "toast" because he basically slept the entire time that they were visiting.

Connor decided it was going to be a little different when he got home and was awake for almost 2 hours after the next couple of feedings. We were happy to see him but are still wondering what was going on at Aunt Gina and Uncle Tony's house???

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