Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First Pediatrician Visit

The boys had their 1st visit with their pediatrician, Dr. Sibila, today.

It was our first outing and mommy and daddy were not as prepared as they needed to be. We forgot the diaper bag and were lucky enough to be only 10 minutes late but the morning was quite chaotic.  Connor peed all over his outfit and everything else that was stored in the pack n play and Jackson's mid-morning feeding didn't exactly agree with him. So, we had a load of laundry before we even walked out the door.  We also managed to find a second sock for Jackson.

The doctor said everything was going well but that he wanted the boys eating every 3 hours, which we anticipate to be an interesting adventure... especially since they had previously decided (together) that 3 a.m. was their designated hour to need to eat at the same time.

We will need to figure this out and it is better than the eat, change diaper and repeat for the 2nd baby in an hour and get no sleep.  It is a fact that we will be ignoring the Don't Wake Up a Sleeping Baby to fatten the little people up and encourage them to sleep through the night.  All that baby gear that we had to have will be getting some use.

The boys were weighed in as follows:

Jackson - 6 lbs 6.5 ounces
Connor - 7 lbs 2.5 ounces

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