Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

We celebrated Memorial Day with my father's side of the family, It was a beautiful day with good food, family and an amazing view. My cousins have a house on the Bird River and there is lots of exploring for a 17 month old. They loved walking around the grounds (trying to help people play cornhole and who could say no to a 17 month old and his penguin), climbing the steps again and again and again and walking around the house on the deck. It was a lot of fun and the boys were so well behaved that we were even able to stay to see the sun set.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

17 Months

I still can't believe that the boys are 17 months. It totally amazes me as to how fast that our time with them has flown by. I know a lot of people warned us of this and I just shook it off especially in the beginning but I realize how true that was.

The boys had a really fun month of May and are learning and exploring and testing all boundaries.

Here are some updates on what's been going on:

they BOTH:

* had steak for the first time and fell in love

* like looking outside from the front door and opening and shutting the doors

* are slightly "obsessed" with going up and down the stairs from the main level to the bedrooms. Connor does it so quietly that I don't even realize that he has made the entire flight and is holding on to his penguin from the outside of the crib looking in (unlike Jackson's frog -- the penguin can not be removed through the slats)

* just discovered how to stomp their feet and can show their new talent when sung "if you're happy and you know it"

* really like Mother Goose on the Loose at the library (such a good thing because Jackson pretty much got us kicked out of Baby Boosters at the Cockeysville BCPL for wanting to be a toddler?!?)

* realized that they can climb in and out of the tub. hello bathroom door lock!!

* are starting to really enjoy the Cat in the Hat because if you didn't know he knows a lot about that (and is so much better than Elmo) and Super Why

* still love being read books and are starting to point at items in the books

* have a full-on obsession with being outside and cry when it is time to come in

* are working on their body parts. I would say this specifically about Connor because he actually shows the body part when I ask him to but I've noticed that Jackson will respond if it doesn't take up too much of his time

in separate news:

Jackson is continuing to test ALL boundaries and is starting to throw temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants or is asked/pulled kicking and screaming in from outside. I'll be looking into any and all toddler tantrums articles that I can find. You know if it is a tantrum if he bangs his head onto the ground and doesn't have the delayed cry. He's also started hiding when it is time to go outside, which doesn't make sense, and when he gets up the steps probably because he knows he is not supposed to be there. His hiding skills are particularly good upstairs because there are so many places he can be and he is so compact that you can walk right by him.

Connor is maneuvering around so well. This month has been his coming out party for walking. He is getting around on uneven surfaces, dropping down to pick things up and turning around to get to where he needs, which is usually where Jackson is. He loves to cuddle and hug and will give the occasional kiss but you can't be greedy. His vocabulary is expanding and now includes nana for banana, and baby. Diaper changes have became horrible and I'm hoping that this will get better. Connor has also figured out how to negotiate and open our champagne levered doors.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Let me just help YOU with that "older" brother

Jackson is our "more" advanced twin. He rolled, crawled and walked well before Connor. He has figured out toys faster and up until the verbal side of things, had him beat on many things by several months.

The boys made their way upstairs while Michael was in the shower. I let them go in and say hi, which was basically them throwing all of toiletries into the tub. Jackson and his daddy are "buddies" and he was very upset when I pulled him out of the bathroom and he started crying uncontrollably. He was staring at the door like a puppy wanting to be picked out at the pound.

Connor walked on over and opened the door to the bathroom, stared Jackson down and walked right in. It was classic!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Watch out..he may bite you

Jackson is generally indifferent when it comes to Connor except for when he has a toy that he wants or suddenly realizes that he needs to have. Today, he actually found a tube of Orajel on the sofa and went over to Connor with his finger as if he was going to help him soothe his aching gums. Connor was waiting with an open mouth, which could have resulted with our first biting incident between the boys. I immediately retrieved the Orajel and thanked Jackson for his willingness to help. Maybe, just maybe, this is a sign that they are moving towards a path of becoming life long friends. That is, until there is the next "incident" of pulling the other down by their waist.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Holding Hands

I went into the kitchen to get something and when I returned -- I found this. It made me so happy to see them holding hands on their own without any instruction from me. They stopped but were willing participants when I asked if I could take their picture and if they could hold hands again (melt my heart).

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Little Tikes Mobile

Despite his insistence that it wasn't needed, Michael put together the boys' Little Tikes Mobile. Our neighbors probably weren't so happy as a hammer was needed and we didn't start the process until close to 9 p.m. The front porch was the only place that we had enough light. But, these are the things that we do for our children since it oh so not about us anymore.

(giving his brother a push)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Family Fun at the Zoo

The boys had been to the Zoo several times since our initial visit with Michael and we decided to venture out on this beautiful day. We were so happy to see the boys actually looking at the animals. There were no meltdowns that I can recall and we finally saw the chimps, which made this mama very happy. I'll just have to keep looking for the lions.

The boys had rarely been to the Farmyard because I wasn't aware that you could access it without going through a bunch of ramps and doors but knowing that we can walk straight in and check out the chickens, pigs and cow..we will be back for sure.

This quote is from one of the boys' Cookie books from the Tarjay and is how Connor knows where his neck is!

(a boy and his love for the penguin)

No, seriously, I could have and was apparently taking too long. Michael actually strolled away and I had to do a light jog to catch up. He had to remind me that we were there for the boys.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Rub a dub dub a penguin and a frog in the tub?!?

Well, at our house, this should probably happen more often than it does. But, the penguin and frog needed some refreshing. So, I maneuvered quickly to make sure that the lovies were not seen in the kitchen or down to the basement for a little dryer action. I don't know how much cleaner that the penguin looks or how much better the frog smells but I tried.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Don't let those cute curls fool you!

Connor has been a lot to handle as of late. He has started to become very independent and doesn't respond very well to the words stop or no. Here he is after getting caught going up the steps after me repeatedly yelling "Connor, Stop" or Connor, No!"

With regard to going up the steps, I guess we could put a gate up but we have not needed one so far and I really don't want to have the impediment. Although, we might have to rethink it since he is constantly heading up there and in his defense, I think he just wants to hang out with his penguin.

At meal time, he is consistently throwing food and drink cups. This would be the same food that he takes from me after picking it up off of his mat.

He has figured out how to bat the eyelashes and give you a BIG smile when he knows he is doing something wrong, which makes it kinda hard to be mad at him.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Learning early how to shoot the rock

The boys had received the Little Tikes Tot Sports Basketball Set from their aunt and uncle for Christmas and after seeing some promising moves on a play date, I decided that it was time to pull ours out. They had the perfect outfits (yes, Jackson's shirt says Mr. Big Stuff) and were ready to shoot the rock. Jackson cheered for himself when he made a basket and Michael appreciated Connor's willingness to rebound for him. I'm not sure who will get more use out of this - Michael or the boys but I do know that if Jackson will let it stay upright, they will have lots and lots of fun.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Play date at the Zoo

After our most recent success, the boys and I ventured out with Mary Elizabeth and her mom this morning for a nice walk around the zoo. We had a lot of fun walking around despite the crowds. I had hoped that the kids could see the penguin again but we never spotted him. The cranes were all kinds of noisy, Jackson almost lost his snack cup to the elephants (thank you zoo worker!!) and Connor was so upset when it was time to stop watching the penguins. He was so happy looking in their general area. I write general area since there was a woman hosing down the surface that the penguins get out of the water. So, I'm not sure if he was upset about not seeing his pals or the lady with the water. What I do know is that he actually saw something that he liked. So, this may be a first in terms of seeing something..YEAH!

All 3 of the kids really enjoyed the tram ride so I'd have to consider the visit a success despite some tears after having to go back into the stroller. And, the tram gives this mom's tired legs a much needed break.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

All Smiles before they climb out of the tub

Yes, you read that right! Jackson and Connor both decided after I took some random pictures during their bath that tonight was the night that they were going to climb out of the tub. The boys are particularly excited when they climb the steps and hear the tub water and want to be in the tub ASAP. Fortunately, they haven't figured out how to climb into the tub or we are going to have to put a door lock on the bathroom door.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

On the Sunday of Mother's Day, my boys and I went to brunch at the Cheesecake Factory but my celebrating started the Friday before. Michael and the boys got me a day at the spa. It was ah-mazing. He even arranged for childcare while I was getting pampered and told me that the main reason that he wanted to do it on a Friday was that he wanted me to get a "real" break and that doing it on the weekend when he was there didn't accomplish that goal. Score for the hubby.

The pics from our brunch are mostly of Michael and Connor and that's fine with me since their interactions were nothing less than hysterical to watch from my side of the table. I had brought a table topper to attach to the table and Michael and Connor were wrestling with the topper for a considerable period of time and I'm just so happy that I had brought the camera to share the moments. It was sooo funny. In the end, Connor won as Michael pulled it up from the table and just helped feed him (which he prefers anyway).

On my second mother's day and my first as a stay at home mother, I can't put into words how amazingly happy that I am to be Jackson and Connor's mother. They couldn't be more different yet be brothers and that is what makes it amazing. It is hard but nothing worth having isn't and I wouldn't trade it even on the worst day on the chance that I would miss the opportunity to see them both grow up. It is my privilege to see the world through their eyes.

I found this online and it is so true...

Two faces to wash, and four dirty hands
Two insistent voices, making demands
Twice as much crying, when things go wrong
The four eyes closing, with slumber song
Twice as many garments, blowing on the line
Two cherubs in the wagon, soaking up sunshine
Work I do for twins, naturally comes double
But four arms to hug me, repay all my trouble.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Having fun with friends in the Forge

We met up with Mary Elizabeth (the host) and Chase and their moms this a.m. The kids were actually able to spend some play time together compared to exchanging pleasantries when happening to find each other on a walk. Holly, the host's cat, managed to escape to the basement in enough time before all of the kids were chasing after her. We look forward to spending more and more time with the boys' friends. A special thank you to Mary Elizabeth for having us over.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

For all the single ladies..MUAH

The boys have really been into watching Baby Da Vinci as of late and Jackson and I have been going through different things that he can do with his hands like shaking hands, tickling, clapping (which he has finally started to do and especially for himself), waving hi and bye and my most personal favorite..blowing kisses. I ♥ how he closes his eyes in the middle of the kiss.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Walking around

It may have taken 16 + months..but I can finally write that Connor is a walker. I have been doing a lot of encouragement, either helping him stand up or picking him up from a seated position and asking him to "get" Jackson (who has actually been super supportive during the past couple of weeks except for when Connor tries to use him as a crutch). He still crawls but the wheels are a turnin and he is moving more towards the idea of walking instead of crawling. And, he will actually stand up from a seated position if you ask him to show you how he does it. It's to his benefit since there is only so much that his knees can take since we have entered short-wearing weather. I'm not so concerned since he is mainly concerned with where Jackson is so I'll be continuously cheering him on to find his brother!!