Saturday, May 28, 2011

17 Months

I still can't believe that the boys are 17 months. It totally amazes me as to how fast that our time with them has flown by. I know a lot of people warned us of this and I just shook it off especially in the beginning but I realize how true that was.

The boys had a really fun month of May and are learning and exploring and testing all boundaries.

Here are some updates on what's been going on:

they BOTH:

* had steak for the first time and fell in love

* like looking outside from the front door and opening and shutting the doors

* are slightly "obsessed" with going up and down the stairs from the main level to the bedrooms. Connor does it so quietly that I don't even realize that he has made the entire flight and is holding on to his penguin from the outside of the crib looking in (unlike Jackson's frog -- the penguin can not be removed through the slats)

* just discovered how to stomp their feet and can show their new talent when sung "if you're happy and you know it"

* really like Mother Goose on the Loose at the library (such a good thing because Jackson pretty much got us kicked out of Baby Boosters at the Cockeysville BCPL for wanting to be a toddler?!?)

* realized that they can climb in and out of the tub. hello bathroom door lock!!

* are starting to really enjoy the Cat in the Hat because if you didn't know he knows a lot about that (and is so much better than Elmo) and Super Why

* still love being read books and are starting to point at items in the books

* have a full-on obsession with being outside and cry when it is time to come in

* are working on their body parts. I would say this specifically about Connor because he actually shows the body part when I ask him to but I've noticed that Jackson will respond if it doesn't take up too much of his time

in separate news:

Jackson is continuing to test ALL boundaries and is starting to throw temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants or is asked/pulled kicking and screaming in from outside. I'll be looking into any and all toddler tantrums articles that I can find. You know if it is a tantrum if he bangs his head onto the ground and doesn't have the delayed cry. He's also started hiding when it is time to go outside, which doesn't make sense, and when he gets up the steps probably because he knows he is not supposed to be there. His hiding skills are particularly good upstairs because there are so many places he can be and he is so compact that you can walk right by him.

Connor is maneuvering around so well. This month has been his coming out party for walking. He is getting around on uneven surfaces, dropping down to pick things up and turning around to get to where he needs, which is usually where Jackson is. He loves to cuddle and hug and will give the occasional kiss but you can't be greedy. His vocabulary is expanding and now includes nana for banana, and baby. Diaper changes have became horrible and I'm hoping that this will get better. Connor has also figured out how to negotiate and open our champagne levered doors.

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