Thursday, May 12, 2011

Play date at the Zoo

After our most recent success, the boys and I ventured out with Mary Elizabeth and her mom this morning for a nice walk around the zoo. We had a lot of fun walking around despite the crowds. I had hoped that the kids could see the penguin again but we never spotted him. The cranes were all kinds of noisy, Jackson almost lost his snack cup to the elephants (thank you zoo worker!!) and Connor was so upset when it was time to stop watching the penguins. He was so happy looking in their general area. I write general area since there was a woman hosing down the surface that the penguins get out of the water. So, I'm not sure if he was upset about not seeing his pals or the lady with the water. What I do know is that he actually saw something that he liked. So, this may be a first in terms of seeing something..YEAH!

All 3 of the kids really enjoyed the tram ride so I'd have to consider the visit a success despite some tears after having to go back into the stroller. And, the tram gives this mom's tired legs a much needed break.

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