Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Don't let those cute curls fool you!

Connor has been a lot to handle as of late. He has started to become very independent and doesn't respond very well to the words stop or no. Here he is after getting caught going up the steps after me repeatedly yelling "Connor, Stop" or Connor, No!"

With regard to going up the steps, I guess we could put a gate up but we have not needed one so far and I really don't want to have the impediment. Although, we might have to rethink it since he is constantly heading up there and in his defense, I think he just wants to hang out with his penguin.

At meal time, he is consistently throwing food and drink cups. This would be the same food that he takes from me after picking it up off of his mat.

He has figured out how to bat the eyelashes and give you a BIG smile when he knows he is doing something wrong, which makes it kinda hard to be mad at him.

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