Saturday, December 24, 2011

2011 Christmas Tree (as decorated by Santa)

We set up the tree several weeks ago and added some ornaments but were cautious about putting too many of our other traditional decorations, including bows, beads and our more adult ornaments. They were super happy to see all the animal ornaments and their Toy Story ones (thank you little Fuller). We made the decision to wait until the night before and let the boys know that Santa decorated it. Michael's thoughts were that they would be less likely to do any real damage.

post script: Michael used the reminder that Santa decorated their tree when the boys would gain access to the tree and try to run off with whatever ornament that they could get their hands on. The tree came down on a day when I had enough of tracking down ornaments and the boys didn't bother with the tree again despite having to wait several days to get the tree back up to the attic.

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