Thursday, December 29, 2011

Kiddie Crussoe

With Michael having to go in to the office in the morning, Sophia and I ventured out to Kiddie Crussoe with the boys.  It was definitely an experience.  Not sure if she or I are willing to ever go back as the boys were just running around like little mad men.  Maybe, if it was 3 against 2.  The place was so big and had so much to offer that we will have to go back but just not anytime too soon and especially not when everyone is on break and probably doubling the capacity.

The first section had a small plastic climber (Jakckson did not want to leave it and little did he know that we should have probably decided to let him stay there as long as we could) dress up area, building blocks and a kitchen that made it similar to Storyville (Connor can always find books).  This section was definitely the calm before the crazy. 

Next up was an indoor playground with elaborate swing sets and intricate slides and Connor's most favorite part of the entire day --- swings.  He kept running back to this area as he didn't really like the bouncy/jumpy area.

After the indoor playground, we entered the bouncy area.  This was, by far, Jackson's most favorite part.  By the end, he had worked up enough courage to make his way up the ladder and head down the big slide.

I was so proud of him and the reward was the ball pit that his brother was waiting in. Unfortunately, the boys didn't want to leave the ball pit unless Connor was making a break for the swings. 

The area was so large that is was just really hard for Sophia and I to keep track of them when they would try to make a break for whatever they were more interested in at the time....  Just another example of how the boys are often times interested in two totally different things.

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