Saturday, December 24, 2011

Santa Cookies

The boys had a rough week leading up to Christmas and we weren't sure how well that things were going to go so we were a little bit behind on our holiday baking, as in the day before.

We had talked to the boys about leaving cookies and milk out for Santa and didn't want to disappoint them. Jackson woke up before Connor from his afternoon nap, which was a complete surprise, as this very rarely happens.

He was adamant about assisting and despite all of the surges in the past couple of months relating to their vocabulary, we were completely unable to get anything out of him other than help. There was a lot of lingering around the hot oven and not getting that he could take the cookies out but the tears stopped when he got a chance to lick the cookie dough.

Connor was all over the cup and they both were willing helpers in helping eat the Santa Cookies.

Gotta love the double fisted approach!!

Sneaking a cookie off the plate and hiding behind/in the tree.

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