Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hershey Park Happy

Upon entering the park, neither boy had any real idea of what to expect nor did Michael and I but it was by far the most favorite day we have had with them. There were ups and downs, which is to be expected with toddlers but it was nothing short of AMAZING to see their faces and listen to their giggles of excitement while on the rides.  The concept of waiting was a no go for either of them but they are toddlers and we are all learning to figure things out.

After we arrived at the park, we were ready to start the rides. 

 First up was the helicopter and both of the boys really liked it but that was not going to last...

The kids ride that are immediately located upon entering the park are near some rather large and noisy roller coasters, which were not very "Connor-friendly."  He didn't like the noise or was concerned that they were going to get too close to him.  After the helicopter, we moved on to the dinosaur, which I thought would be perfect BUT our Connor wasn't having it.   Jackson was ready to go and it was a touch and go with Connor's reaction on whether or not we would be able to stay (yes, after the 1st ride).

During the meltdown, Jackson got his turn in on the Space Age.

I even tried the Traffic Jam with him as part of the issue with the dinosaur was he wanted me to get in and it was still a no-go.  Every time he sees these pictures, he tell me "I was crying."  Yes, Connor, yes you were.

Connor spent some time with Michael and Uncle Tony and Aunt Gina arrived and apparently were the "key" to convincing Connor to get on the rides again.  Here is on take 2 of the dinosaur as he was adamant that he was not going to be happy on the first attempt.  He's cheering for himself and laid back as if the melt down that occurred the first time didn't even happen.

While he was on the dinosaur, Jackson tried out the idea of of waiting in line for mini-himalaya and even though Michael and he were next to get on, Jackson couldn't handle the line waiting any longer. Lucky for us, Connor had just finished the dinosaur so we did a toddler swap.

We maneuvered out of the Founder's Circle as it was getting WAY to crowded and headed to Music Box Way for the Lady Bugs, Bizzy Bees, Monorail and Swings.

But not to be overshadowed by his brother, Jackson laid it all out (literally) over not being able to get on the pirate ship.  We felt so bad for him!!!

We headed toward Mine Town and stopped off at the Red Baron, Convoy and Kissing Tower.

They picked the red truck.

Prior to lunch, we took a trip on the antique cars.  Jackson was so happy with himself and the idea that he was driving us around.

After lunch, we headed over to the Midway for more fun....Granny Bugs, Mini Train Ride and Pony Parade.

This may have been their FAVORITE ride of the day..LOVE Jackson's determination when ringing the bell.

Not the best pic of Connor but added it because it was his first of hopefully many, many, many more ferris wheel rides.

On our way out, we were all able to take a ride on the Dry Gulch Railroad and the boys indulged in the Mini-Scrambler and ended the day with the Balloon Flite.

And, we left and I was contemplating the next time that we could get them back for more fun.

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