Thursday, April 26, 2012

That's what HE said

"Come on dad."

(heard repeatedly when Michael gets home from work)

"Here Con, you take it."

(he is so sweet, very generous and willing to be a good big/older brother once he hears Connor crying and throwing a temper tantrum over whatever happens to be upsetting him at the moment)

"George is next."

(he's got the PBS morning schedule down)

Adding randoms to our good night list. Choo Choo Tracks, Milk Cups.

(we generally say good night to family but Jackson has started to include random items that he must be thinking about)

"There it is."

(heard numerous times a day when finds whatever it is that I've either asked him to find or he locates on his own)

Singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in is entirety.



Connor to Mama : "I reading books."
Mama to Connor : "Connor, that's all you do all day long."
Connor's response : "That's okay."

"No" to wearing new shoes, bathing suits or trying the potty.

(almost every question is getting a response of no)

"I tripped AGAIN!"

(he is super clutzy and this was a total classic)

"Oh yeah, that's a good one."

(in response to  a song off of their Music Together CD)

"Michael -- go back."

(said repeatedly after I mentioned it in the car when we spotted a horse. we are now hearing it at random times with a huge smile on his face.  he gets that he is being funny.)

Singing the Happy Birthday song while watching their Numbers dvd.

(so so cute and he started it all on his own after realizing the tune during number 2. he sings Happy Birthday to Connor and Jackson and some of his friends)

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