Monday, April 2, 2012

Snacking on the table

Connor is a serious follower and has started to stop eating when Jackson does even if he is not finished. Almost immediately after he exits the high chair, he is grabbing for any snacks that he can gain access too even if it is the food that he just told me he was "all done" eating or the circles (Cheerios) or stars (peach puffs) that he was so kind enough to throw on the ground as a reject.

It's super cute to watch him troll for snacks underneath the highchair while I'm starting to run the vacuum and the opening and closing of the container that the Cheerios are in grabbing one at a time is seriously adorable.

The banana puffs that he refused to eat while sitting in the highchair.

It took awhile for him to gain access to the raisins but they eventually became accessible.

And, then it started with eating on the table. He has figured out how to pull the chairs out or squeeze himself between the pushed in chairs. Obviously, sitting on the table is a no no but he looks so darn cute. This parenting discipline is hard at times.

But, we may have made a breakthrough......

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