Sunday, August 25, 2013

2013 Family Vacation : Day 1 {Wave Pool}

Jackson had a rough night calming down. He was so EXCITED about the trip and couldn't relax.  It wasn't until after 11 p.m. and he told me that I needed to go to my bed and go to sleep.  He finally took his own advice. It was kind of funny that I was trying to pack in the dark as I was expecting both of the boys to be fast asleep by 9.  

Due to grumpiness from everyone, we got a later start on our day than what we wanted and  didn't get to the Rehoboth Area until around lunch time.  So, we picked up Chipotle while the boys were napping in the car with the plan to just do the wave pool after lunch.

After getting our pool passes for the week, we were off to explore and have fun.

After making some sand castles, they were in to the water.  They had the best of fun throwing in all of their sand toys and running in the water to retrieve them before they got too far. 

 Making sand angels.

In the water again to enjoy the waves.

On our walk back to the condo, the boys found a golf court and Jackson's legs were long enough to reach the pedal.  Gotta love that their first joy ride was at a golf resort.

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