Sunday, August 11, 2013

a BUSY day in the life of Jackson and Connor

In anticipation of Michael being away, we followed-up our zoo day on Saturday and after promising the boys a trip to a park with slides, we decided to head down to Latrobe Park.

Caught lounging in the climbing structure.

After an impromptu picnic with some new "friends," we headed out to lunch at the Green Turtle at McHenry Row.  The picnic was absolutely adorable as there was a set of twins that were much younger than the boys and they both wanted them to sit with them on the blanket and willingly shared their snacks.

After lunch, we walked over to a frozen yogurt place that we told the boys was ice cream. Neither one of them really likes ice cream to the point of going out and spending money but we wanted to try it again.

As Connor was not willing to share, we asked for a sample size for Jackson to see if it was worthwhile.  He was adamant about green but had never really tried anything that was green apple. The sample size was sufficient and he took great pride eating it despite the fact that I don't think he was a fan of the sour taste.

Connor took to walking around with his cup of yogurt.  It was a mix of chocolate, vanilla and orange cream with chocolate jimmies. 

After finishing his sample size, Jackson was flirting with almost every girl that walked in and was borderline stalking one girl as she filled her cup.  That smile lets him get away with a lot as the girl in question didn't even realize that he was there despite our laughing at how silly he looked invading her space.

After a rushed nap and haircut for Michael, it was off to swim lessons.

Upon returning home, Jackson found our neighbor/his crush, Anna, and told her all about his busy day.  He has backed off his full court press on her realizing that his knuckle biting and hyperventilating wasn't getting him that far.......

After dinner, it was bath time and of course, it isn't a good day unless it ends in tears from being over-tired.

We are usually busy but not this busy. However, despite Connor's tears at the end of a VERY long day for them, it is nice to be able to experience new things with them and watch their excitement.

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