Tuesday, August 27, 2013

2013 Family Vacation: Day 3 {Funland}

After spending numerous days at our resort, we headed out to Rehoboth to walk on the Boardwalk and get in some rides at FunLand.  Prior to leaving, I had told Connor that I was excited to ride the rides too and he told me that I couldn't do that because and I quote "who's going to take the pictures."

The Boardwalk is full of lights,  sights and sounds and the boys take it in very differently.  Jackson does a lot of jumping and down and shaking and Connor looks out and takes it ALL in.  He'll remember EVERYTHING that he saw or heard and bring it back at a later date whether it be good for bad.

We reached the rides and the boys were definitely ready.  They are getting better and better about waiting in lines. 

The helicopters were up first and the boys finally figured out how to get the helicopter to go up and down.

Connor was absolutely terrified of this ride and the person running the ride came over and started tickling his toes to loosen him up.  We've never ever seen him that scared over anything.  He loves ALL of the rides at Hershey and it was incredibly surprising to see that face since it is so similar to the frog hopper that he was laughing out loud at several months ago.

After the drama of the prior ride, we opted to go to Connor's favorite ride, the carousel.  It is something that will ALWAYS put a smile on his face.

And despite some protest from Jackson, he obviously enjoyed himself. 

He was over the drama of the previous ride and off we went to the super fast cars that not only go forward but backwards too.  This face confirms that he was ready to go and really enjoyed himself.

After the need for speed cars, we ventured over to the firetrucks and boats.

Swings are always a big thing for Connor and he could probably ride this ride repeatedly for hours.

They were storming the gate to get in to the train ride as it was the last one of the night.

And, this is the face of someone who realizes that it is his last ride and/or wasn't happy with the color of the train car.  You never know with our moody Connor.

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