Saturday, August 24, 2013

When did Target become so exciting

With an impending trip to the beach, we were off to Target (much to ALL of the boys dismay) to pick up some snacks and other essentials.  There was a lot of complaining from the boys that they didn't want to go but we promised Red Robin afterwards and since they didn't have a choice, I'm guessing that they decided to make the best of it.

We walked through the toy section and the boys were semi-excited but nothing could compare to the excitement that we observed when we reached the grocery section. Nothing could have prepared us for the running through the aisles and screaming when identifying items that they knew.  Apparently, I shouldn't be trying to get to the grocery store when they get back to school.

If they are going to be this excited about the grocery store -- why not just have them join me.

I would have never through that finding tater tots would have been that exciting.  But, I was wrong.

The fresh groceries took our Jackson's version of "Jacked Up" into a new level.  Jacked Up for Jackson is knuckle biting and jumping up and down on his tip toes.  Because, it's not enough to knuckle bite.  He was yelling to anybody that would listen all of the vegetables and fruits he could find.  I really wish that everyone can find 1 thing as exciting as Jackson found this trip to Target.

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