Thursday, July 28, 2011

19 Months

The month of July has been one of the most interesting months to date with the boys.

The first part of the month actually had me questioning whether or not I could continue to stay home with the boys. There were several factors including teething (thank you Orajel and stepping back and realizing how much food the boys actually do eat despite the throwing(and having to clean up what was thrown)) and the install of a gate at the bottom of the steps to stop the continual yelling and screaming of no to both boys to stop climbing the steps. They were both getting up the steps in record time and either hiding or throwing bath products in the tub and it was too much so we caved. There were too many days that I was hoarse by nap time from all of the yelling and screaming, which wasn't very healthy for me or the boys.

The end of the month reminded me of how very lucky that I am to be able to stay home with them and we are NOT looking back. They are soooo much fun and are learning new things every day.

Here are some of the things that both boys are doing...

* distributing their plush in the nursery
* starting to show some jealousy of each other if they are not getting either mine or Michael's attention
* think that they are too cool for bibs :( this is a HUGE problem especially since they can get the bibs off probably faster than I can get them on
* playing very well independently and imaginatively
* fascinated with the trash and shoes. YUCK,YUCK and more YUCK, which often times relates to throwing toys and storage containers into the trash. so, we have to really keep an eye on them and their proximity to the trash
* can retrieve things when asked and are following simple instructions very well
* are enjoying their pool, caterpillar and slide. we are struggling with managing the boys outdoors so a camera really hasn't made it into the mix. will eventually get the courage up to take the camera out.

and, just about Jackson

* pushes Connor in the back when he takes something from him or gets to something before he can (which is very rare) or just has something that he wants. this is very concerning because he often does this when they are on the landing and there really isn't any place for Connor to go
* can negotiate the landing without holding on to anything or anyone
* has taken his diaper off a couple of times. we are hoping this doesn't continue
* walks on his tip toes and is LOVING hoppin tots. he can actually do the climbing wall on his own without assistance
* willingly goes to timeout, which may defeat the purpose. and, Connor joins him even if he hasn't done anything wrong.
* finally gives kisses. he thinks that they are hugs so if you want a kiss, just ask for a hug. he may or may not be willing but it's not happening if you ask for a kiss
* can do puzzles. it is amazing to see the wheels a turning as he scans the puzzle for the appropriate place.
* covers his face when he is "hiding," which he likes to do a lot. he has rearranged furniture and will stay back if I bring Connor up for food just so he can get the opportunity to "hide" in plain sight on the couch.
* there was a toss up between this and the last one but it doesn't happen often enough to be the best BUT still rather cute is his re-inaction of injuries. he will walk either Michael and I over to the spot that he got hurt and show us how it happened.
* and, I saved the best for last-- can do a spanish style flamenco dance with his arms tilted to the side while he spins around all while up on one foot. it is quite a sight and we will try to get a video because it is a-w-e-o-s-o-m-e.

There's only one Jackson Charles and we wouldn't have it any other way. He is so full of life and emotions that you never know what you are going to get. It is a true privilege to be able to spend every day with him because you never know what is going to happen or what he is going to get into!

and, coincidentally Connor..

* can negotiate the straw on his new sippy cup by sliding the opening back and forth
* wants to walk up the steps while holding someone's hands. ever since his fall down the steps (gasp), he has been kind of hesitant to climb them on his own. he has gotten so confident walking up the steps that he uses one foot for each step.
* fell asleep without his penguin in the crib. besides all of the food and climbing the step problems that we were having in the beginning of the month, there was a lot of plush throwing in expectation of someone coming in to get the plush. I decided to stay strong one day and he fell asleep with his penguin lying outside the crib. now, I keep the door slightly open so that I can check plush positions at night and during nap and make adjustments, if necessary.
* mastered crocodile tears all in an attempt for someone to either get his penguin that we could hear him throw out of the crib or encourage us to retrieve him from the crib. oh how quickly the tears stopped once he heard one of us get out of bed and walking towards the crib (love the creak of the hardwood floors)
* spent some time panting for food and is a general food hound. if he hears something that would make him think food -- he is hot on the trail. and, since it is Connor, it is quite comical to see him turn on the engines to maneuver but always for food. he will try and basically demands to try everything that anyone is eating in his vicinity even after he has already eaten. and, has had all-out temper tantrums waiting for his after-nap milk cup :(
* does spins until he gets dizzy and I'm laughing writing it but realize that he could fall and hurt himself. I've started to stand close enough so that if/when he starts to get dizzy, I pick him up to avoid the fall
* is trying to repeat everything that we are saying. his vocabulary is building as he has spent a lot of time watching my mouth move when I form words. compared to Jackson, who does a lot of babbling -- Connor actually has a vocabulary. his words include: peas, please, cat, hat, is it for what is it, bye-bye, mammy for mama/mommy combined, daddy, baby (oh so cute), Jacksy for Jackson (he's really trying), pig and several more from the Hop on Pop obsession. note: I will not give him credit for a word unless people other than Michael and I can understand what he is saying.
* shows us items and wants us to tell them what they are almost even if he already knows what it is
* and, my most favorite, and what makes him so sweet is his willingness to share. if Jackson has dropped his frog whether intentionally or not, Connor picks him up and tries to hand it to him. he will go out of his way to retrieve the frog and make sure that Jackson gets it back. can you say melt my heart because it does. he also shares food and will easily give in if there is a temper tantrum over a toy and lets Jackson have his turn with it.

Connor is like an old spirit and amazes us with his maturity on so many things (throwing of food and toys aside). He is caring, sweet and nurturing. It is like he is too wise for his short 19 months of life. Being able to observe his approach to life is a special treat for me and I look forward to the continued journey.

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