Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Cat" "Cat" "Cat"

Anybody that has met Connor knows that he has sort of a full on obsession with the Cat in the Hat. He loves to watch the show, he points him out on any book that he has him and I've even thought about doing a Dr. Seuss 2nd birthday party for the boys because of his love for the feline. While perusing the dollar bins at the Tarjay, we happened to find some potential party favors if we so decided to do a "Cat" themed party. Connor was sooooooooooooo happy and kept on repeating, "Cat," "Cat," "Cat," every.single.time, he would see something I had put in the cart. It was so sweet. I've decided not to do the Cat themed party because it isn't as big of a deal for Jackson (and they are twins). I did kept some of the items, and this notebook, in particular, results in squeals of delight every time he happens to see it.

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