Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Getting on the couches

I knew it was only a matter of time before the boys would figure out that sitting on the couch "like a big boy" was an accomplishment. Jackson was the first one to accomplish the feat and was so proud of himself. Connor didn't take as long as it usually does for him to catch up to doing things and even with his less graceful maneuverings does a good job. One thing that we have noticed is how much of a temper Connor has when he doesn't get his way or can't do something. The figuring out process of how to get on the couch resulted in a lot of tears and temper tantrums.

It is the sweetest thing when we come down the steps and see Connor on the couch in the morning (after having climbed it on his own) with a blanket covering himself that he placed there.

The biggest problem has been the next step -- jumping on the couch :( but we knew that was going to happen as soon as they figured out how to get up there. There has been lot of yelling to both boys to sit on their butts. Most of the time they oblige.

Obviously, we are concerned with their falling off while jumping. And, our not-so-graceful Connor is the one that we have most concern for. Jackson is so steady on his feet in awkward situations that I can usually focus my attention on getting Connor down.

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