Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stick it

We have been working with the boys every chance we get to introduce forks and spoons in lieu of their caveman esque approach to picking up food and shoveling it in their mouth (insert growling noises or beating on chest in pride). Never and I mean NEVER did we expect to have luck with ravioli. But, it just shows how much that they are growing and doing things that we would least expect them to do. I guess you can never underestimate how much that a toddler can do when he puts his mind to it. My personal thoughts on this are that the raviolis are hard enough for me to get on a fork so I definitely give them a pat on the back for being able to do it on their own. Connor wasn't as successful but by the smiles on his face -- it is perfectly clear that it didn't matter how he was getting the food.

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