Saturday, November 10, 2012

Latrobe Park in the Fall

It was a nice day for early November, as in no jackets required, so we took advantage and headed down to Locust Point Park for some fun.  The are always hesitant walking in as there is a dog park on the way in but are immediately reminded of how much fun the park has to offer, including the sounds of the trains.  Both boys will run to the fence enclosing the park almost every.single.time that they hear the choo choos.

Swinging around.

Riding the teeter totter

The boys LOVE this piece of equipment at the park and have started to help push it around. It is similar to a Merry Go Round without actual seating but is on an angle. It requires a lot of pushing for it to go and it is so nice to watch the kids and adults push each other around.  Connor is more willing to sit but Jackson loves the idea of running around in a circle.

Connor is definitely getting more adventurous.  He is throwing his legs over the edge of spiraled walk downs and trying to climb things.  It's amazing to watch how much he's grown comfortable with his abilities to climb up and down. 

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