Friday, November 16, 2012

Santa arrives at Towson Center and 1st Concert

The boys and I have been having "dates" at the mall.  They go on the slides and we get a pretzel from Auntie Anne's to share and have lunch in the food court at Chick Fil A.  I notice that they were having a Family Fun Day to celebrate Santa's arrival and that the band Milkshake would be playing.  The boys had never seen live music before and I was excited for them to enjoy it.

Getting situated and scoping out the situation.  Lots and Lots and Lots of people trying to fit into a small place. Happy that we got there early but....

that can lead to little people that really don't understand the idea of waiting getting incredibly restless!

And, the band started. Jackson got a baseball and helped secure one for Connor.  He really is good to him. Hopefully, Connor will start to reciprocate this.

Jackson wandered off to be "in" with the band and Connor hung back, which is part of the reason why he didn't secure a ball on his own.  He is very cautious in new surrounding and despite being there before for Story Time, the number of people overwhelmed him.  It is at these times that picking the appropriate clothes is important. Jackson's plaid shirt easily helped me locate him as do plaid shorts or brightly colored tees, which are essential at the zoo.

Getting closer to catch the snowflakes....

Santa arrived on the escalator!!!

A little where's Jackson.  He was very aware of Santa's location and that he wanted to be as far away from him as possible and if that involved snuggling/hiding behind the guitarist's leg -- so be it.

It was a lot of fun and we will definitely go again next year.  The band was great for their age bracket and the joy on Jackson's face to see them singing and playing instruments was one of those proud parent who loves music moments.

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