Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Potty Update for Connor

Connor has done a lot of sitting on the potty in anticipation of getting a reward - 1 M&M. Unfortunately, the sitting has not really translated into anything to be said for in the potty.  He LOVES to read and sitting down and reading are his happy things in life.  We have changed up our method of rewards to encourage Connor and he finally came through, well sort of.

On a random day,  Connor shocked himself and everybody else in the room and started to pee while sitting on the potty.  Now, the location of the pee is most important here.  It definitely wasn't in the potty and landed on Michael's shoe. He squealed with delight and said he peed on daddy's shoes and said "Sorry" in his perfected Pumba imitation.

So, yes, that is a picture of an empty potty and the hardwood which got some of the spray as well.  He was proud of himself.  We will keep trying and hopefully it will end up in the potty.  In Connor's defense, he doesn't drink as many liquids as Jackson so trying to track him down on the potty at the same time is an almost impossible feat. However, I'm fairly certain that Connor knows when he has to go which makes this process so frustrating.  We will have to wait until he is ready!!!

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