Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pee Pee in the Pottay!

At the start of the summer, I purchased a seat that attaches to a regular sized potty and the boys had ZERO interest sitting on it.  Connor had it on his list of no's, which included wearing his new shoes that he ended up loving and putting on a bathing suit, which he loosened up about.

Several people suggested a portable potty and I realized that we had to try something different as it was clear that crying on the potty wasn't the best strategy to start the next joyful event of being a parent -- potty training!!!

Today, Jackson came through like a champ. He was so proud of himself and little brother watched and admired.

The reward is one M&M for trying (we need to get them somewhat interested, right) and two for actually going. Connor will sit on it but says he doesn't have to pee.  My initial thoughts were that Connor was going to be the first one as he tells me when he is pooping. Now, I think he just sits because of the reward.....  I have also pushed the boys to sit longer.  Initially, it was long

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