Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today, I am incredibly thankful for these two boys.  I'm thankful every day for them. When I think back to a couple of years ago during our struggles to get pregnant and the eventual arrival of our package that will always be double the fun, it was all worth it. 

I still stare at the boys in amazement that they are ours and that I have them to cherish on a daily basis. Often times, I look around as if I'm in a dream but they are still there.  There are days that are incredibly rough and there are days that are totally amazing. It wouldn't be fun without the hiccups in between. I learn more from them than I ever thought I could and have such big hopes for them and are just truly privileged to share the adventure with them as they grow up.

Looking incredibly handsome for dinner at Uncle Joe and Aunt Missy's carrying around the sugar cookies that they made with orange Mickey Mouse ears.

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