Saturday, December 28, 2013

No Dogs Allowed, that is, except for Phoebe

A couple of years ago, we were getting ready to leave for vacation and did not have power so we went to Joe and Missy's house to take advantage of their air conditioning and working wash machine. I set up Connor inside the house and by the time I had gotten back inside, Phoebe had chased him to the corner of the house and that was it for his love for the Phoebester. He started warming back up about a year later but he was overly aggressive (Connor has always struggled with gentle) and Phoebe snapped at him.  It was officially over.

And, then, there was the pony sized dogs at the tree farm and he was questioning me about whether or not there would be a dog anywhere that we were going.  This was encouraged by the Peanuts short "No Dogs Allowed."  Connor was asking me if there would be a sign on places that indicating no dogs allowed whenever we would leave for a place that he wasn't sure about.

So, to our surprise, he was VERY excited to see Phoebe.  This is especially after he expressed extreme concerne that Uncle Joe was coming to birthday bowling and could be bringing Phoebe.

We knew that Jackson was going to be happy to see her.

Having a stare off.

After petting her with no issue, Connor had completely warmed up and was having conversations with her. He was careful not to bring things with him that she would want to eat or so he thought. All in all, it was a good thing that he got over his fear. 

Jackson and Connor {4 years old - Birthday Singing}

Jackson and Connor {4 Years Old - Pizza lunch}

We had our family over along with Mary Elizabeth and her mom for pizza after bowling.  According to the boys, it is not a party unless there is pizza and cupcakes. 

After picking up the pizzas, Tony finally got a chance to hold baby Gabby.  Happy Grandpa.

Connor enjoyed the pizza.  Despite his confirmation that we had to have pizza at the party, Jackson wouldn't try and we set him up with some hot dogs.   

Connor barely touched his cupcake despite his enthusiasm.  This little lady had no problems. She loves her sweets. 

Jackson actually enjoyed the icing.  So, we have one that eats pizza and the other that eats cupcakes.  I guess that they make a good party combination together.

Jackson and Connor {4 Years Old- Birthday Bowling}

We invited our family and the boys' classmates to birthday bowling.  They had a lot of fun last year bowling and we thought that it would be a good idea to try again.  Since their birthday was on a Saturday, we figured it was a good way to celebrate.

The boys were super happy to be there and had a chance to get warmed up before everybody else arrived.

Surveying the bowling ball options and getting the fun started.

Kim and his sister, Nia, arrived first for some bowling fun.  It was their first time and their parents too!!

This boy is super strong and has the best smile.

Connor was very happy to see Brooke.

The moms and Andrew were very helpful with getting the kids in order. They helped assure that the bowling balls didn't get taken from other lanes and had some fun too.

Jackson and Brooke working together.

Lots of excitement.  It was Mary Elizabeth's first time bowling and we will be sure to go back.

After some initial help from the parents, it was nice to observe 5 toddlers bowling and it wasn't that chaotic.  They took turns with one another and shared the lanes and waited for the bowling balls to return.

Showing some good form after a lot of fun.

Maybe next time baby Gabby.

Jackson and Connor {4 Years Old - Opening Presents}

Before going down to open presents, I asked for a picture....  Connor was adamant about holding Jackson still so well that he couldn't look at the camera.  We tried a couple of times but I didn't want to slow down the fun.

Some new Charlie Brown DVDs.  They have been obsessed with Charlie Brown lately, which makes me very happy.

Jackson knew to move the small ones to the side and get right to the big ones.  

Connor, on the other hand, knows that good things, like books, come in small packages.

The  cargo men and accompanying vehicles brought a lot of excitement.

Working together.

Yeah for vehicles and the fire station. 

Setting up the Recycle Truck with the accompanying trash.

Figuring out the bus and setting up all of the students with their backpacks.

Friday, December 27, 2013

And, they will be 4 tomorrow

In a very last minute decision, we headed out to Red Robin for dinner and heard them singing to other customers and asked for the boys to get a serenade.

Connor is not so big into big displays of attention and was asking them to stop singing. Jackson, on the other hand, LOVES it after he warms up first.

We finished wrapping the gifts so that we were ready in the morning for our 4 year olds.

Good night to our sweet boys.  When you wake, you will be 4 years old!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas with the familly and the best holiday gift

After the boys finished breakfast/lunch, which Connor had a hard time dealing with. He is very exact about things and didn't like the concept of combining his meals before going over to Tony and Gina's.  He scoffed at the word brunch and was asking to sit back at the table for more food after he finished his breakfast and demanding lunch. 

After confirming that there were more presents, we had Connor in.  We arrived and it was nice and quiet before all of the Schmitt's arrived.

Yeah for more Playmobil and small pieces.

Sophia trying to get some love from Connor.

Super happy about more games.

We didn't know how big of a hit that this game would be.  Loopin Louie is a lot of fun for kids of all ages.

The doctors are in.  Jackson gave Uncle Joe a needle and Connor checked Sophia's heart rate.

And, then she arrived...  She draws a crowd everywhere she goes.

After Sophia got a chance to hold Gabby, it was Connor's turn.  He LOVES her so much. 

We finally got to see her with her eyes open.  It didn't last long but it was nice to see them.

Posing with Cayden.  Cassie was running around and ready for the day to end.  It was a long day for ALL of us and we were right there with her.


What a wonderful day with our family.