Monday, August 31, 2015

Kindergarten : First Full Day

It was time for the boys' 1st full day of school. They were willing to stop for pictures on their way out the door. 

We started our walk to school and found friends on the way.  

Ms. Linda is our crossing guard and we will be seeing a lot of her in the next couple of years.  She's incredibly kind and made sure to recognize the boys and start the process of memorizing who they were.  

After Ms. Linda gave us the go ahead, we moved on to the rest of our walk on Lanark and delivered the boys to school  They were happy to see their friends and Jackson took the opportunity to take the "stage" and deliver a speech like only he knows how. Unfortunately, most people aren't listening but he doesn't know that so we never try to discourage his excitement.

Shortly after the "speech," the doors were opened and the boys were in. 

After 6, yes 6, count them glorious hours (said in a Count van Count voice), it was time to pick up the boys and find out how their day went. 

They were all smiles and had lots to share about Kindergarten as they found their friends again and we started our walk home. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

After the excitement of the Sneak A Peek at your seat, we had only a weekend before the next event. The school was kind enough to schedule the readiness assessment for the boys at the same time.  We got ourselves ready in the morning and prepared a gift for the teachers of sharpened pencils.

This could be our favorite pictures of the boys.  They look so grown up yet too small to be ready for Kindergarten.

Our Kindergarteners to be walking through the main doors.  Time goes by so fast and we are both in denial that they could be in Kindergarten.  They were just born, right?!?  The decision to put the boys in Pre-K for only 3 days was the best decision for our family.  It was just enough structure and fun and gave us some extra time with our little men who are growing up way too fast.

The boys had their backpacks filled with their supplies as requested.  We stopped off to make sure to get our supplies in the appropriate bin.  After the supplies were out of the bags, we waited for their teachers to emerge from their classroom.

Ms. Thomas and Ms. Scotto appeared and they were so happy to see them again.  Ms. Thomas showed Jackson the classes' mascot, Pete.   The boys both reported that they were asked questions and did some work on the computer.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Play Date at Landis' for Ms. Thomas' class

We received an invite from Landis' parents for a play date for all of Ms. Thomas' class. It was a generous invite and we were happy that his parents welcomed Connor as well.  

Upon arrival, Jackson was able to to show us his tricycle skills. 

There were refreshments and a lot of fun. Eventually, the girls stuck together and the boys bonded over some super heroes. 

Sophia, Claire and Mary Elizabeth. 

Jackson, Connor, Landis and Thomas. 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Ironbirds Stadium

We bid on and won tickets to the Ironbirds game at the Silent Auction at TPP.  We scheduled our game for later in the season and chose one with fireworks at the end.  Prior to the game, we had stopped for dinner and made sure that both boys took a nap in hopes that they would make it to the end of the game.

We had to mail our certificate for the tickets to the Ironbirds office and when we arrived, they didn't have all 4 of our tickets in the envelope.  It took a little bit longer to process but we were rewarded with fantastic seats.

The boys were immediately enamored by the mascots.  Rip Cord was the first one that walked our way.  Both boys wasted no time at all to get a photo opportunity with him.  

After we returned to our seats, we secured some cotton candy to satisfy our sugar fix. 

After Jackson finished his cotton candy, he spent some time closer to the field and was able to secure a high five from Rip Cord. 

Next up was the official Ironbird mascot, Ferrous.  Jackson raced to get a picture with him.  Connor missed out but we eventually found him later in the night and he happily obliged his request for a picture. 

After several innings in what may have been the longest minor league game ever (no exaggeration), we picked up some tokens and the boys were able to have some fun playing the games. 

It was a late night but it was so much fun.  We made it to the fireworks and the Ironbirds made it an interesting game by not giving up.  There were rally gals and dancing and a race among the mascots. The small stadium fosters a great environment and puts you almost on the field.  Definitely a must do for next year!!!