Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Climbing out of the crib...

Jackson climbed out of his crib for the first time on Valentine's Day (insert hint of sarcasm that he decided to give us such a sweet treat). He has started to use the talent more and more and is SUPER cautious and quiet when getting out of the crib, as in you don't hear him. That is, until he decides to slam the door shut.

We've debated between the idea of a crib tent or toddler alarm clock but haven't definitely decided on anything. Even though Jackson is able to get out of his crib, we are NOT ready for toddler beds even though they are upstairs as the idea of both of them being able to maneuver ALL.OF.THE.TIME is a little too much to handle.

The only hiccup (well big issue) is that he is waking up earlier than earlier as in the 5 o'clock hour and 6ish. I can handle 7 but not anything with a 5 or an early 6. It doesn't seem to matter what happens with his nap or what time they go to bed, it is just random times.

I got this video of him and you can see how cautious he is.

(please ignore Connor crying over who knows what. his temper tantrums as in
jumping up and down when not getting the book or toy he wants or a "hold you" are
very plentiful as of late).

He is now telling Michael and I that he is not supposed to climb out of his crib when he goes down for his nap or at nigh, HA. If only he could stick with this.....

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