Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A day in the life of 27 month olds

As the boys are now 2 and the big things are not changing as consistently as they had in the first two years, I thought that a better way to "monthly" updates were to do four quarterly updates.  This way, it would be a way to remember what they are up to and show hopefully how much fun that we are having.

After breakfast, Connor decided that he needed some raisins as a top off before we headed to Mother Goose on the Loose.

After Mother Goose, we went to the mall for some strolling and a Chick Fil A lunch date.  During lunch, the boys are constantly taking in the sights and nomming on the chicken nuggets. 

And, those sneaky employees put the french fries in the kids meal bag.  This is the surprised look that Jackson gives me E V E R Y time I find the fries, which just happens to be after they've finished their nuggets and Connor eats the pickles from my sandwich and Jackson helps me with 1/2 of my roll (thank you for helping unload the carbs).

After the nuggets and fries are consumed, we go for dessert -- ice cream and strawberry newtons.

We return home for diaper changes and a nap.

With the weather starting to warm-up, I nominate Connor as a model to try on some spring/summer ensembles.  He is very willing until it is time for the bathing suits.  This is a no, no, no.  Recalling back to the summer, he was very unhappy with the pool attire.  This is not a good sign as we are starting swimming lessons soon.

On to some playing and reading of books before dinner.

After dinner, we go outside to check on Anna and her dog, Murphy.  The boys are obsessed with Murphy and are really patient with how many naps he takes when we try to see him.  He is a puppy and is very loud and playful when outside, which often relates to barking so his owners keep him inside a lot.

On this day, the boys lucked out and Murphy was returning from a walk and they got some up close and personal time.

Anna is so sweet with the boys.  She was trying to teach Connor how to jump rope before it was time to go in and start the bed time routine -- milk cups, diaper change, pajamas and books.

It was a great day with our busy busy busy 27 month olds but an insight into how much fun that we are having. There are ups and downs but they like being busy as do I.  Other things that the boys are doing include going to Stay and Play at the Y, music class and swimming lessons now that Hoppin Tots has ended.  Besides Chick Fil A, the boys like eating at Chipotle and Red Robin. 

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