Saturday, March 31, 2012

Eating yogurt like a big boy

Connor has a serious infatuation with yogurt and could probably eat several cups a day. Both boys run to Michael when he is indulging in his pre-dinner yogurt cup. This could be because he usually has flavors like Orange Cream and Key Lime Pie but they have always eaten yogurt from as early on as when I was making it for them by mixing fruit with French Vanilla Stonyfield Farms.

I have been meaning to give the boys more of an opportunity with spoons as they have only been given spoons as Jackson says to "hold it" and feed themselves after I get whatever it is out for them.

So, I decided to try it and was pleasantly surprised with the results and minimal mess. It was probably more so because Connor was very cautious about the quantity on the spoon but regardless, it is a positive sign that we are moving in the right direction. One day, we will get to bowls of cereal with milk!

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