Friday, March 23, 2012

The First Bite

A stomach bug had invaded our house and I actually was hit with symptoms for consecutive mornings. It was a Friday morning and I had asked Michael to come up so we could figure out what was going on the rest of the day as he stayed home knowing that I wasn't in a position to take care of the boys.

He proceeded to walk to the gate and immediately after, anybody in the vicinity of our house could hear a large piercing cry from Connor. It was the type of cry that you knew something was wrong and when Michael went over, he found Jackson biting Connor for what appeared to be no reason. Connor was so upset and obviously in a lot of pain. The boys have gotten into some unnecessary altercations but never ever was biting involved.

He sat there sobbing and we were both trying to figure it out. Jackson was sent to an immediate time out and Connor requested a "hold you mama" (insert heart melting) and I obliged. Regardless of how bad that I felt, I was definitely up to a hold you.

note: this picture is from a week after the bite but you can definitely still see the teeth imprint...

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