Saturday, February 16, 2013

More train fun at the B&O

We ventured out to the B&O to take advantage of our reciprocal privileges before it ended.

There is always fun at the train table.  And, there were enough trains and tracks to avoid toddler tantrums.

The writsband for unlimited  carousel rides is never wasted on Connor and Jackson is willing to stop long enough to take a couple turns.

They LOVE sitting in this open section where they can push buttons and look like official conductors.

And, the dress up area never disappoints (except for the concern for lice, which we will just avoid).  Jackson was channeling his inner Village People or his fascination with construction.   The boys generally avoid all dress-up areas but have recently been willing to try hats and vests. Yeah. We're going with the Village People.  Young men....

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