Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Toddler Made Tasty Treats : Heart Shaped Cookies

The boys had a Valentine's Day party at school today and besides exchanging -- they also apparently had time to bake.  The boys gave their pals handmade notes with their names on them along with some Goldfish and Mini M&M's.  We I worked on the Valentine's (foam letters are not my friend for the record) and Connor loved every part of it as he was able to identify all of the cards with the first letter of everybody's name in the class, including J for Julianna.

The boys have been baking weekly and eating everything.  Initially, Michael and I would have to help them eat/finish their treats.  Apparently, they have grown very fond of sugar cookies and sprinkles.

I love these seriously intense faces while partaking in their tasty treats!!!

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