Friday, April 17, 2015

5 Year Well Visit

After a bit of a delay in completing and processing paperwork, we officially switched pediatricians to Dr. Julie King.  With the phone and sick hours and additional pediatricians to choose from, we were finally happy to see Dr. King in a non-emergency situation for the boys' 5 year well visit. It took awhile to schedule,  but she was definitely worth the wait.

Jackson was 44 1/2 inches tall and weighed 43 lbs.

Connor was 42 inches tall and weighed 42 lbs.  We finally have confirmation that Connor is tall enough to ride all of the coasters at Hershey Park!!

The boys love their LeapReaders and they are so helpful when we have to wait.  They have a large assortment of books to keep them occupied.  The headphones arrives to help us avoid having to listen to dueling books and stories.  The boys have been reading for awhile and this only helps them learn more and more words.  And, it is fun.

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