Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Towson Presbyterian : Silent Auction and Ice Cream Social

We were notified of the date of Ice Cream Social at Towson Presbyterian prior to the Hot Rods practice schedule.  The boys were torn with what to do and we got lucky that the practice fields were closed so the decision was already made. 

We arrived and Connor was immediately intrigued by the crafts and the gals from his class

and Ryan too!

Jackson and Aislin did a lot of running around with Raleigh.

Connor moved on to the next craft.

The class was checking out the baskets and making decisions on what they wanted to bring home.

While  I was checking the baskets to bid on, Michael arrived and the boys moved on to the ice cream.

Apparently, after his ice cream and moving at his own speed, Jackson decided to get his crafting on.

We won the movie basket and the boys were more than ready to help carry it out to the car. It was a great night and we are so happy that the boys didn't have to choose between TBall practice and a fun event with their school.

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